Sunday, March 22, 2009

Some Goals of Mine

I read this book called The Power of Less by the very intelligent Leo Babauta (writer of, which said that publishing your goals motivates you to actually get them done. I'm going to try that idea out now with some goals I plan on accomplishing by the end of the year. It also said that I should only choose one major goal at a time, but I'm a really ambitious kid. I believe in myself.  

1. I want to learn how to control my anger and keep my composure while under stress.

2. I want to abolish my bad-word-speaking mouth.

3. I want to tap board (touch the frame of a basketball board) by the end of soccer season. 

4. I want to be a better citizen. I'll do this by getting in 4 hours of community service each month.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

110%: Is it really possible?

Why do coaches always tell their players to give 110%? If I'm as smart as some people think I am, then wouldn't that mean death? I'm pretty sure coaches don't want to literally kill their players, so they shouldn't keep repeating that cliche. I mean, a hundred percent is all you got. Anymore and you would kill yourself. 
You're probably thinking that 110% is possible. What's this girl talking about? Everybody can push themselves beyond their limits. Duh. If you try your hardest and do something that you weren't able to do before, you're simply giving a hundred percent. You can improve, so each time you give your hundred percent, you get more out of it. Maybe you weren't giving a hundred percent before. Once you do give a hundred percent of heart and effort, you'll be lead to think that you were giving 110%. I hope I didn't confuse you. 
Coaches tell their players to give 110% to motivate them to do better. The thing I want to know is this: why 110%? Why do coaches use that particular number? If you really want to stress that your players should give it their all, then why not use 1,000,000%? Or maybe even an infinite percent. 

Things like this just give me something to think about while I'm doing a test or something.

Caution: Don't give 110% in trying to understand this. You may put yourself into a mental lapse or a coma.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Something Better Than Ice Cream and Truffles

How To Be a Bad Best Friend

I've been somewhat of a careless friend. Heck, I'm not going to sugar coat it. I've been a really bad friend. Once I realized that, the first thing that popped into my mind was blogging it down. Writing things down helps me to think more clearly about them. To add a little twist to my subject, I'm going to make a manual on how to be a bad friend. It's a 'What Not to Do' sort of thing. Hopefully, I'll get that I have to do the opposite of what I'm typing. 

1. First, you have to be a good best friend. You have to be so good of a friend that nobody expects that you'll turn bad later on. You can't be a bad friend if you were never a good one. If you were never a good friend and you are a bad friend, then you might as well just call yourself a stranger. I'm not sure if that made sense.

2. Once you manage to become a great best friend, you have to get jealous. You have to get insecure about your friendship, and think that you're going to lose your friend to someone she/he just started talking to. Do everything to win back your friend even though you haven't lost her/him yet. Get clingy. The outcome of this should be your best friend thinking that you don't want her/him to have their own life. This will really make them want to get rid of you. 

3. After you screwed up big time getting jealous, you have to get mad. You have to get mad about you and your best friend drifting apart. Argue with her/him about the silliest things. Don't give way even if your friend is right. Be stubborn. 

4. The fighting has been done and your best friend wants to talk. This part is very important. You absolutely, positively have to NOT LISTEN TO HER/HIM. Listening is for losers. You're still the stubborn person you were a day ago. Stick with your side. Don't think about how she/he feels. You're the one who has been hurt. Am I right or what?

5. After your best friend stops trying to talk to you, do what the cool people do. Ignore them. Act like you're better off without them even though you really miss your best friend. Hang out with other people. When your friend asks you a question in class, pretend that you didn't hear her/him and walk away. This should make them think that you completely forgot about them. 

6. This is the final step in the process--the deal maker. Once this is done, your best friend will be your ex-best friend. Think back. Think way back, to the time when everything was cool between you and your friend. Did you make a big promise to her/him? The answer should be yes. Most best friends have at least one promise between them. Well, once you chose the biggest promise you can remember, BREAK IT. Break it and broadcast it to the world. If your friend asks about why you did it, come up with some dumb excuse that could have been avoided if you were a good friend.  


You have just mastered being a bad friend and lost your best friend in the process. Whoopee! 

P.S.- I exaggerated a bit on the steps. I don't want you thinking that I'm some crazy person, or do I? 

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Eating an Ice Cream Sandwich

Writer's block sucks. Hopefully, eating this ice cream sandwich will help my creative flow.

Wait for it...

Keep waiting...

Not there yet...(I'm quite mad because I cannot undo the underlining of my words.)

Just a trifle longer... (mmmm, that reminds me of truffles :)

There are two main types of truffle in this world.

There's the ugly looking fungus one that is--for some weird reason--considered a delicacy in many countries. Can you believe that this can cost up to $670 a pound? I sure can't.

Then there is the delicious chocolate truffle. It usually contains a delectable, creamy chocolate filling. This is usually surrounded by a nice, delicious, and shiny coat of chocolate or cocoa powder. It's amazing how two things that share the same name can be so different.

My mouth is watering. 

This blog will continue until I can think of something better to write about than truffles and ice cream.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


I have acquired this particular feeling. It may mean that I'm going through my mid-life crisis at an early age. The thing is, I feel quite bored...with everything.

It all started after my first off-island soccer trip. I left the airport and felt like something just killed me. Though, I'm not saying that I'm emo or whatever.

My coach said that everybody feels different after their first trip. I don't think that that's the case right now. Let me try to explain how I'm feeling.

One second I'm laughing at a joke. The next second, I feel this emptiness in the pit of my stomach. I feel like I'm on an elevator, completely alone. Then, I get to thinking about my purpose in life and what I have to look forward too. Usually, the thing that keeps me excited and going is soccer. Now, I feel apathetic towards that and all other things. I need excitement. I need something to motivate me-to get me through the day. It's all so boring. I feel like-no, I don't feel. Geeeeezzzz! This stinks. I can't really feel anger, but I can type it.